Dog Crafts

I love crafts almost as much as I love dogs.  Almost…  

Photo by Gilberto Reyes on

There is satisfaction in making something yourself that looks fantastic and also usually costs you a fraction of the retail price.  Often using things you already have around your home!  And if it doesn’t look fantastic?  So what, at least you had fun doing it!

“Craft makes our homes more human.”        

– Ilse Crawford

Crafting is a way you can express yourself and also express your love for your dog.  I consider myself a dabbler in crafts and am certainly not tied to any specific genre or material.  I am not an expert at any specific craft, but I enjoy them. The crafts you will find here will cover a variety of mediums and most will be beginner-level. 

These will be crafts that you can do for your pup and sometimes even with your pup, or with a dog theme in mind.  Most crafts will include found items or materials that are easy and fairly cheap to obtain.  Remember, have FUN!
